Event description


vincent profile picture vincentJune 2007

that's best to register so we know more or less the nb of people,


lenou25 profile picture lenou25June 2007
do we have to register to come to the party?? because i'm not sure i will be able to come, but if i can i want!
vincent profile picture vincentJune 2007

Lots of Laughs   Euro !!!! for those who don't understand the joke : Euro (Jean Pierre) is organizing the 'Every Sunday Quiz' at the very same place (the Hideout)

WELCOME BACK Steggy !!!!

Ca va être la total éclatch Wawan!


steggy profile picture steggyJune 2007
Super, après des mois en Allemagne, ca fait plaisir de retrouver l'ambiance Polyglot
euro profile picture euroJune 2007
Ok, I will come but where are the directions ? Is it difficult to find ?
wawan profile picture wawanJune 2007
Encore une belle occasion de bien plaisanter .....................
vincent profile picture vincentJune 2007
je n'en peux plus, cela fait trop longtemps qu'il n'y a pas eu de POLYGLOT PARTY
multiglot profile picture multiglotJune 2007
Non posso aspettare di piu, per parlare con te, Martin! Ci vediamo pronto =) Hail to ALL the Polyglots who already signed up for this *blabber binge*