ANNULE - Picnic & Salsa

Description de l'évènement


muskan profile picture muskanJuly 2007

salut everybody,

je viendrais à ce meeting, j'ai trop hate , faite que le temps soit avec nous .

A bientot tous le monde.... ^^




vincent profile picture vincentJuly 2007

Thanks Nat for inviting so many people ! you are a great organizer

and congrats for the flower


nathaliepas profile picture nathaliepasJuly 2007
The meeting was great ! We had picnic in Tino Rossi garden and then we went to the Bombardier English pub.
vincent profile picture vincentJuly 2007
Thanks Ifig,

i have corrected my messages,

see ya

ifig profile picture ifigJuly 2007
You said " the Irish Pub , le Bombardier"  are U kidding   ,come on ...  it's an English Pub !!!!
vincent profile picture vincentJuly 2007

THE MEETING IS NOT CANCELLED: WE MEET AT THE MEETING POINT AND IN CASE OF RAIN WE ALL GO TO THE ENGLISH PUB 'Le Bombardier' : 10 minutes walk from Institut du Monde Arabe close to the Pantheon. 2, Place du Panthéon 75005 Paris [Tel : 01 43 54 79 22]

We'll wait until 20h30 but I will leave my phone number anyway in case you arrive later.

vincent profile picture vincentJune 2007

This Wednesday 27 of June, we had a little rain so we headed to the Bombardier irish Pub. Christophe did a few card tricks to us around a beer,

see ya

vincent profile picture vincentJune 2007

WE MEET AT THE MEETING POINT AND IN CASE OF RAIN WE ALL GO TO THE IRISH PUB "Le Bombardier" : 10 minutes walk from Institut du Monde Arabe close to the Pantheon.
2, Place du Panthéon 75005 Paris [Tel : 01 43 54 79 22]

We'll wait until 20h30 but I will leave my phone number anyway in case you arrive later.