Berlin - Reteaua Polyglot

Bine ai venit în Reţeaua Polyglot!


ElinaE profile picture ElinaEApril 2013
Our internationaol meeting is tomorrow! Join the event
ElinaE profile picture ElinaEMarch 2013
Polyglot Berlin is meeting today! Join us from 8pm!
ElinaE profile picture ElinaEMarch 2013
Hey, our international meeting in Berlin is today! Be there with us from 8pm at Kant Café!) Check the event on the right for more information
sallina profile picture sallinaMarch 2013
hello!i want to learn german.i can study
greek english russian
ElinaE profile picture ElinaEJanuary 2013
Hi everyone! Join our meeting next Tuesday at Kant Café in Berlin! Every Tuesday we're meeting for a great international language meeting!
ElinaE profile picture ElinaEDecember 2012
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all! We'll be back on January 8th!
ElinaE profile picture ElinaEDecember 2012
We had a great CHristmas/ New Year Polyglot event today! Thanks to all those who came and contributed to our truly warm and multicultural and -lingual (of course) atmosphere! See you in January!