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please, can I get any help here, est-ce quelqu’un peut m’aiuter?

Salut tout le monde:

Voici un petit bout de concordat en soixante articles, signez-le moi, je vous le payerai dix mille francs par article . Cela dit sans phrase, on toperait en trente-six heures...

 I don't understand what cela dit sans phrase... I know that  it is talking about being able to type the whole thing in 36 house, but without a phrase.... that does not sound like a good translation to me, because it makes no sense,

Thnaks for any help,



Xophe profile picture XopheFebruary 2024

Hi there :)
I see you've posted this question on other forums, and got several answers, e.g. <>
To sum them up, nobody really understands what cela dit sans phrase means, and as others already mentioned, more context is needed.
That quote is by Stendhal, and it's extracted from his correspondance:
It's dated 1831, and I've personally never heard it, so my guess is as good as others': sans faire de phrase, sans discussion, sans élaborer, sans nécessité d'explication,...