YoBlackBlack - Profile

About me

Hello. My name is Yo. Nice to meet you. All acquisition foreign language skills and culture exchange daily or weekly are all right with me on this professional French Web site. I am an auto mechanic and auto collusion repair and aviation mechanic and airframe collusion repair and avionics repair and agriculture, and aquculture farmer and domestic and international political economic activist. Maybe I care, and/or do not care if the United States of America and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization will destroy the Russian Federation and the Democratic Republic of Korea and the People’s Republic of China and the Islamic Republic of Iran, etc upon a nuclear war. Now I do not care if the Russia Federation turn the State of Ukrain into a parking lot for their cars and now I do not care if the State of Israel turn the State of Palestian into a parking lot for their cars and the State of Israel will turn the Islamic Republic of Iran into their parking lot to park their cars, because of how you treat me. Please note that all of the countries throughout the world within the Polyglotclub Web site are repersented with their national flag except for the United States of America and that is rude. I do not know why the Polyglotclub Web site Webmaster Vincent have an United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland flag on YoBlackBlack profile page, because that is culturally insensitive, racist, disrespectful, discourteous, projecting disinformation, irrational, misleading, politically incorrect flag image, hating on the United States of America culture, and people. I am not from United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, I do not know the British-English language, culture, I am from the United States of America, an African Black American, that know’s the American-English language, and culture...Yuri Kosygin Tchaikovsky Junior.

Teaching language


Registration:January 2013
Last login date:3 hours ago
Number of logins:10862