Traditional Meeting. Thursdays!

Description de l'évènement


AssESSoR profile picture AssESSoRSeptember 2008
Suppose I can bring something from France as a present

How it could be revealed who's number 2000 amongst Moscow Polyglots?
vincent profile picture vincentSeptember 2008

Mailing sent for this week -)

nearly 2000 members : what will you do for the number 2000, will you offer a present ?? -)

Total members in Moscow City = 1957

AssESSoR profile picture AssESSoRSeptember 2008
Ah, vince!

We're not that big yet! =)

But we're growing
vincent profile picture vincentSeptember 2008

That's HUUUUUGE Alex, :-))

it's getting bigger now than in Paris (almost :-))

AssESSoR profile picture AssESSoRSeptember 2008
Yep, again a couple of words about the meeting!

Suppose it was great again =)

We're waitinn for fresh fotos from Krishna -)

I'll try to be short with the report today.

So. Languages.

There were about 18 persons speaking Russian =)

About 23 variants to speak English,

9 persons speaking French,

6 or 7 - speaking German,

5 and a little - Spanish,

small groups of participants practicing Italian, Arabic, Portuguese

and persons, ready to have chats in Chinese, Malay, Greek, Hindi, Telugu, Tagalog, Japanese, Inuktitut, Czech...


About 18 languages total

The list of participants -

1.Boldyrev Dmitry (Ru)

2. me (was put under this number by Tista)

3. Tista Nayak (India/US)

4. Alberto Fornasier (Italy)

5. Olga Fomina (Ru)

6. Fabio Rocha (Brazil)

7. Anna Karaseva (Ru)

8. Zakharova Evgeniya (Ru)

9. Galakhtine Vladimir (Ru)

10. Enrique H. Barredo (Mexico)

11. Sokolov Garik

12. Irina Danilkina (Ru)

13. Alexander Mamich (Ru)

14. Louis Blanc (Ch)

15. Tanya Roslyakova (Ru)

16. Maitena Lubeldia (Fr)

17. Kosko Max (Ru)

18. Fedotov Ilya (Ru)

19. Etel Nilova (Ru?)

20. Otrepyeva Valeria (Ru)

21. Anna Yurieva (Ru)

22. Krishna Neelamraju (India)

23. Oksana Kulikova (Ru?)

24. Kovaleva Ekaterina (Ru)

25. Kashtanova Tatiana

26. Ben Turedi

27. Friren Aude Coco (Fr)


29. Gevlya Marina (Ru)

30. Dmitriy Oparin

31. Lazyan Helen

32. Berezhnova Irina

33. Alison Smith (Scotland)


Next time I'll just scan the list...

Yeah. Another statistics -

a lot of participants registered on, CS, VK(ontakte), Fa(cebook),

and guys asked me to add the column

to count the number of HC members on the meeting -)

I'll do that... Not sure I can

promote Polyglots on HC site, but maybe

with the word-of-mouth...

See you next Thursday, guys!

vincent profile picture vincentSeptember 2008
see  : 20 members more (in the whole Moscow section) from last week : it ain't bad -)
AssESSoR profile picture AssESSoRSeptember 2008
Oukay, vince!

Thank you 
vincent profile picture vincentSeptember 2008

mailing sent for this week ! -)

Total members in Moscow City = 1944