Traditional Meeting. Thursdays!

Опис події


vincent profile picture vincentOctober 2008
mailing sent

Total members in Moscow City = 2046
vincent profile picture vincentOctober 2008
Nice the scanned report =))!!
AssESSoR profile picture AssESSoROctober 2008
As for report on the 10.10.2008 meeting,

this time I was lazy enough to scan our Participants Lists,

despite of the fact that our recent meeting was not so crowdy.

So have a look at the papers,

I'll just add some statistics about the languages.


We had about 13 Russian-speakers,

19 English-speakers,

5 French-speakers,

6 Spanish-speakers,

3 German,

1 Dutch,

1 Italian,

3 Chinese

2 Malay,

1 Hindi,

1 Urdu,

1 Norsk-speakers...

Join us next Thursday annd,

Don't forget - now we're meeting on week-ends also!
vincent profile picture vincentOctober 2008
Mailing sent for this thursday !

Total members in Moscow City = 2026
AssESSoR profile picture AssESSoROctober 2008
Oh. Report!

For the meeting which happened on the 2nd of October.

Almost forgot to post it!

Thanks to everybody who found our new venue

annnd... here is the list:

(steady participants are written in bold,

so don't hesitate to ask them when you have

any questions about our meetings)

1. Olga Fomina (Ru)

2. Tista Nayak (India)

3. Ilya Fedotov (Ru)

4. Marina Gevlya (Ru)

5. Roslyakova Tatyana (Ru)

6. Fabio Rocha (Brazil)

7. Maria Zolotova (Ru)

8. Alberto Fornasier (Italia)

9. Alex Volkov (Ru)

10. Tania Liburkina (Ru)

11. Anastasia Arkhangelskaya (Ru)

12. Dominik Markl (GER)

13. Rosanne Ufkes (Fr/NL)

14. ERIC KHOO (Malaysia)

15. Benson Lim (Malaysia)

16. Sarah Shireen (Malaysia)

17. Olga Marova (Ru)

18. Irina Danilkina (Ru)

19. Ekaterina Krasnikova (Ru)

20. German Camacho (Mex)

21. Volodya Galakhtin (Ru)

22. Taran Liuba (Ru)

23. Gulsum Nabiullina (Ru)

24. Stefan SekoGaig (GER)

25. Oksana Kulikova (Ru)

26. Kosko Max (Ru)

27. Anastasia Berseneva (Ru)

28. Victor Millan (CL)

Yep, maybe it's not the whole list,

if forgot somebody - don't hesitate to announce that! =)

What lang did we speak:

Russian, English, Spanish, French, German, Portuguese...

Missed any?

Maybe we had conversations in some other languages, like -

Swedish, Italian, Arabic, Dutch, Japanese, Malay, Chinese -

if not... we just could have them

See you next Thursdays, guys!

AssESSoR profile picture AssESSoROctober 2008
BTW, we're discussing a start of second day a week for Polyglot meetings,

some of week-end days.

It was proposed by CS people, so discussion is carried on there:
AssESSoR profile picture AssESSoROctober 2008
Yeah, vince!

Pity I had no time to publish the detailed report for the last meeting,

but I'm sure the participants had fun that time,

so absence of the report won't corrupt anything

and the gathering tonight will have success just as usual 
