POLYGLOT Club Meeting with ALEX!

Описание события


memina profile picture meminaNovember 2010

Dear all,

I have called the Owner of Dubliner irish pub and reserved for 15 participants or more at 7.00pm 4 Dec.

Please asking the staff for "Mr. Alex Language Exchange's Table" and they will guide you to walking upstair.

I will arrive there early because i have some stuff to doing around there.


See you there!


vincent profile picture vincentNovember 2010

Hello everybody from Bangkok,

I  am the webmaster of this website (I  am not living in Bkk either). I hope this event will be a lot of fun and that members in Bkk will welcome our friend Alex

I  see Memina, you are very helpful! Maybe you could call the place to make a reservation ??? Thanks a lot for your help!!



pat profile picture patNovember 2010

  Memina, GOOD idea! With more than 15 participants, it is a good idea to ask for a private section of the bar, under the name "Mr Alex". Then, ALL participants will only need to ask for the table of "Mr Alex" to find the rest of the group.

Unfortunately, I am not in Thailand, and Mr Alex will not be there until later next week. So, one of YOU should call the bar to organize the meeting. But I am sure you will be welcome there. A group of 15 people is good for their business =)

Another idea is to have a piece of paper or small poster saying "Polyglot Club". This will help identify you as a language exchange group.


memina profile picture meminaNovember 2010

with more than 15 members, should you contact to the dubliner for reservation ?


How can i fibd you when i arrive there?


If you reserve for the name like "Mr. Alex" then i can asking for the waitress with Alex's table.


Just my opinion.

vincent profile picture vincentNovember 2010

Everybody of course is accepted : all religions, nationalities, orientations etc ...

woodysak profile picture woodysakNovember 2010

Gay people accept? 

vincent profile picture vincentNovember 2010


No problem,

bring as many friends as you wish : the more the merrier

use this TOOL to invite friends


Leexix profile picture LeexixNovember 2010

  Hi, sounds cool...I guess.. I'm gonna be there :)