Polyglot Bar 10/4 - barkëbazeni i poliglotëve

Опис події

  • Дата: Oct 04, 2016
  • Час: 19:30
  • Адреса: Адреса видима для учасників
  • Очікувана кількість учасників: 25
  • Максимальна кількість учасників.: 50
  • Facebook

~~We cordially invite you to the SIXTY-EIGHTH installment of Polyglot Bar NYC!

 Modeled after Paris' famed weekly Polyglot events, this meet-up will allow people studying all languages at all levels to practice and find others who share their interest from all over the city.

 You don't need to be a "polyglot" to stop by -- if you have any interest in languages, we'd love to have you!

 We plan to meet at the 79th St Boat Basin, but in case of bad weather, Jake's Dilemma at 430 Amsterdam Ave is our backup location. (It's only a 9-minute walk between locations).

Вони говорять про нас!

Media coverage - Polyglot Club