Croatia - Polyglot Network

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Welcome to Croatia Polyglot Network!

Dobro došli u  Polyglot Club! 

Ova stranica namijenjena je SVIMA  koji žele naučiti strani jezik ili prenesti svoje znanje drugima.

Ne zaboravite:  Quot linguas calles, tot hominem valles!

Razmijenite znanje i steknite nove prijatelje!     =)

Za sva pitanja i prijedloge obratite se administratoru hrvatske mreže (waldo_sk)

Pozdrav!  Vaš Polyglot Club!                                              



Enzo98 profile picture Enzo98December 2016
I am from Croatia, and I want to improve my english.
dampyr321 profile picture dampyr321September 2016
Hallo liebe Leute. Ich komme aus Kroatien, aber ich wohne in Slovenia. Ich mochte deutsch uben und lern. Ich suche fur jemand fur diese Wunsch. Vielen dank.

Hello. I'm from Croatia, but I live in Slovenia. I am looking for anybody with who I can speak german and improve my speaking and writing skillis. Please help me make my wish come true. many thanks.
Monika007 profile picture Monika007August 2016
hello I´m from Croatia and can you help me learn english I can teach you croatian and slovenian
majica profile picture majicaJanuary 2014
hello! I'm from Croatia, and I want to improve my english.
Logitek profile picture LogitekNovember 2013
I want learn English but I haven't somebody for conversation.
I'm Croat
Can someone help me?