gauconngungon - Profile

About me

My name is Reever. It's been age since i last access this site, owing to my busy routine :) but i've been free recently, deciding to learn German i find this language pretty amazing :D i hope someone can help me :D also i am willing to help everyone if you have difficult learning English :D moreover it would be interesting to exchange cultures, languages ,... :D Anyway,The more friends we have , The more fun we get ! don't be hesitant to contact me ;) Skype: gauconngungon Facebook: /reeverat.catalyst Vk: Mein Name ist Reever ich bin 19 alt Jahr und komme aus Vietnam :D ich spreche Deutsch und Englisch :D

Teaching language

Learning language


Registration:July 2012
Last login date:Last month
Number of logins:949
Email Open Rate:0.2%