Morocco - Сеть Polyglot

Добро пожаловать в Сообщество Polyglot Morocco!

Welcome to Morocco Polyglot Network!

Bienvenue au  réseau  Polyglot Maroc!

مرحبا بكم في شبكة بوليغلوت المغرب 


Morocco, officially known as the Kingdom of Morocco is a  country located in the North Africa. Morocco  has a coastline on both the North Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea.

Languages : Morocco's official languages are Arabic and Berber but the most commonly spoken languages among the people of Morocco is Darija a dialect of Arabic or Berber who is spoken in three dialects( Tashlhit, Tamazight and tarifit). Many Moroccans speak foreign languages especially French, Spanish and English.


animateur1982 profile picture animateur1982July 2012
i want to get married
farouc profile picture faroucJuly 2012
hello every one im here for learning English welcome all of you
kenyhyunlee profile picture kenyhyunleeJuly 2012
I need some help to improve my English, maybe a meeting or just mails. I use Facebook, Msn, Yahoo and Skype.
Gara profile picture GaraJuly 2012
I need meeting for learning and speaking English in this summer!!
yarah profile picture yarahJanuary 2010

I need meeting for learning English

hichamhp profile picture hichamhpJune 2012
hi everybody,
My name is Hesham, i m living in kenitra
Iwould like to practice my french , especially in oral because it blocks when i want to talk in french however i can offer english. thx.
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