All LANGUAGES exchange in Moscow

Описание события


vincent profile picture vincentNovember 2007
yeah, as we are not living in Moscow, it would be easier if you can help us : that's very kind of you

< smile>
AssESSoR profile picture AssESSoRNovember 2007

i think it would be a good idea to notify the cafe stuff in advance about the party is going to take place at their premises

*restrained laugh*

vincent profile picture vincentNovember 2007
I think this meeting will be huge!!
pat profile picture patNovember 2007
Great to see so many enthusiasts taking part! Wish I were there to enjoy this Polyglot Meeting with you all =)
Olenka profile picture OlenkaNovember 2007

I will come)))

vincent profile picture vincentNovember 2007

CALL AssESSoR (Alex) on his mobile phone is cas of problem

Alex has posted below his phone number but we will send you his phone number in your polyglot mailbox

Dasha_D profile picture Dasha_DNovember 2007

Hello!!! I'm really excited about this meeting!!! I've never attended them before. Could you give me some more information about how I can recognize all the members...and do we meet inside or outside? Thank you! That's great!

vincent profile picture vincentNovember 2007
I have just sent another email notification to the Moscow members,
