*Tower of Babel* HUGE PICNIC

Descrizione dell'evento

  • Data: May 24, 2009
  • Tempo : 12:00
  • Indirizzo: Indirizzo visibile ai partecipanti
  • Couchsurfing
  • Facebook
  • Numero di telefono: 06 80 81 19 89

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See you all in 30 minutes !!!



For the Tower of Babel week-end,  POLYGLOT is proud to invite you to its

LARGEST international picnic at Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris !!


Be sure to bring a meal/drink typical of your country/region/city of origin. Beware: a jury will vote for the best typical meal/drink.

Each candidate taking part in the World Food Contest (free) will be issued a number by the International JURY who will determine the best dish based on the following criteria: presentation/general aspect, creativity/originality and taste.

We will provide trash bags, plastic cups, plates and spoons to allow you to share your dish with other participants. Feel free to bring what you need for your comfort (table cloth, napkins, forks...)
During picnic, we will organize games/activities based on foreign languages and cultures

At 6pm, we will ALL leave the picnic to meet at 7pm under the Eiffel tower to give prizes for the best meal(s)/drink(s) and for a momentous Polyglot Club group photo!  More infos about *Tower of Babel* HUGE Meeting UNDER THE EIFFEL TOWER.

Look out: Please keep connected until Sunday morning in order to read the latest news regarding this event.  If weather is too cold or humid, picnic might be cancelled and postponed to another day ...


Let's meet at 12 noon at the main central lawn of the Cité Internationale Universitaire (see map below).


Maison internationale

Big loan behind Maison Internationale - Grande pelouse derrière la Maison Internationale

Access : RER B or Tramway T3. Stop: 'Cité Universitaire'.

When you get off the tram or RER, cross the Boulevard Jourdan street, the main entrance of Cité Universitaire is here.  When you get in, you'll see the 'Maison internationale' (first picture above). Get inside the Maison, enter the hall, cross the Maison and get out from the other side, you'll see the main lawn (second picture above).

BEWARE ! Should you get lost, or if you do not find the meeting point, make sure you memorize these 2 phone numbers:

06 80 81 19 89
06 60 25 62 66         

To reach the Eiffel Tower: RER  B  : Denfert-Rochereau and then Metro line 6: Trocadéro. From there, we will cross the Seine River until beneath the Eiffel Tower.

---- IN FRENCH ----

Dans le cadre du week-end "Tower of Babel",  POLYGLOT est fier de vous inviter à son

Pique-nique international GEANT à la CITE INTERNATIONALE UNIVERSITAIRE de PARIS !!   


Apporter un plat/boisson typique de votre pays/région/ville d'origine. ATTENTION : un jury sera chargé d'évaluer les plats/boissons les mieux réussi(e)s et un prix sera remis au(x) gagnant(s) sous la Tour Eiffel, à partir de 19h. Durant le pique-nique.

Chaque candidat participant au Concours Culinaire International (gratuit) recevra un numero de la part du JURY International, qui determinera le meilleur plat, en se basant sur les criteres suivants: presentation/aspect general, creativite/originalite et gout.
Nous fournirons les sacs poubelle, gobelets, assiettes et cuilleres en plastique pour vous permettre de partager vos plats avec d'autres participants. N'hesitez pas a apporter ce dont vous aurez besoin pour ameliorer votre confort (nappe, serviettes, fourchettes...).

Nous organiserons également des jeux/activités basés sur les langues/cultures étrangères.

Attention, restez connecté jusqu'au dimanche matin afin d'avoir les dernières nouvelles concernant l'organisation de ce pique-nique en particulier sur les condition météo.  Si le temps est trop froid ou humide, le pique nique pourrait être annulé et reporté.


Rendez-vous à 12h (midi) sur la pelouse principale de la Cité (cf. photos ci-dessus). Accès : RER B ou Tramway T3 arrêt 'Cité Universitaire'.

Quand vous sortez du RER ou du tram, traversez la rue (Boulvard Jourdan).  Entrer dans la cité universitaire par le portail principal.  Vous verrez la maison internationale (première photo ci-dessus).  Entrez DANS la maison internationale afin de la traverser, et resortir de l'autre côté pour attendre la pelouse principale qui est derrière la maison (deuxième photo ci-dessus).

ATTENTION ! Pensez à prendre les numéros suivants si vous n'arrivez pas à nous retrouver :

06 80 81 19 89
06 60 25 62 66

A partir de 18h, nous irons TOUS  nous rejoindre sous la Tour Eiffel (RDV à 19h) pour la remise des prix pour les meilleurs plats/boissons typiques et pour une photo mémorable du groupe Polyglot Club. Plus d'infos à propos de *Tower of Babel* HUGE Meeting UNDER THE EIFFEL TOWER

Pour rejoindre la Tour Eiffel à partir de 18h: RER  B  : Denfert-Rochereau et Métro ligne 6: Trocadéro. De là, nous traverserons la Seine jusque sous la Tour Eiffel.   





jeux de carte/card game

Et tout autre jeu/and any other game ...

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Media coverage - Polyglot Club


vincent profile picture vincentMay 2009

Attention!! on a trouvé un porte monnaie de couleur noire

merci de m'envoyer un message s'il vous appartient


pat profile picture patMay 2009



For taking part in this Polyglot Club event, it has been an honor to have you around. We truly appreciate that you went out of your way to share NOT  JUST your languages and cultures, but ALSO your cooking skills and world specialties!

Special mention to Fred for capturing those moments on photograph (click on the "Photos" thumbnail)! We are most indebted to Miss Pascale, Uli and Florian for shaking the bee-hive in our heads. And MOST particularly to the six members of the World Food Contest Jury : Cenzo, Felipe, Futchibow, Pat, Q-ba and Vince. Our heartfelt thanks for your suggestions, participation and for lending your taste buds =)

And the winner of the World Food Contest is... Raouf (28/30 pts) with his won-der-ful Tunisian four-course meal, comprising : salad, chicken Tajine, couscous, and oriental pastries, all refreshed with tea! Thank you Raouf for sharing those delicacies =)

Second Prize goes to Ling, who put together a finger-licking Chinese omelette known as "Walk With the Moon" (27/28 pts)

Last but not least, Third Prize for Nassera who treated us with an UN-forgettable Algerian Tajine Hamlou (sweet meat) (24/30 pts)

Stay tuned and see you ALL again soon!

pat profile picture patMay 2009

Désolé Gerards, je n'ai pas trouvé ta casquette, mais je te tiens informé si j'ai des nouvelles.


gerards profile picture gerardsMay 2009

Super picnic! bravo à tous pour vos plats et boissons maisons

Quelqun aurait il vu ma casquette burburys?

pat profile picture patMay 2009



For taking part in this Polyglot Club event, it has been an honor to have you around. We truly appreciate that you went out of your way to share NOT  JUST your languages and cultures, but ALSO your cooking skills and world specialties!

Special mention to Fred for capturing those moments on photograph (click on the "Photos" thumbnail)! We are most indebted to Miss Pascale, Uli and Florian for shaking the bee-hive in our heads. And MOST particularly to the six members of the World Food Contest Jury : Cenzo, Felipe, Futchibow, Pat, Q-ba and Vince. Our heartfelt thanks for your suggestions, participation and for lending your taste buds =)

And the winner of the World Food Contest is... Raouf (28/30 pts) with his won-der-ful Tunisian four-course meal, comprising : salad, chicken Tajine, couscous, and oriental pastries, all refreshed with tea! Thank you Raouf for sharing those delicacies =)

Second Prize goes to Ling, who put together a finger-licking Chinese omelette known as "Walk With the Moon" (27/28 pts)

Last but not least, Third Prize for Nassera who treated us with an UN-forgettable Algerian Tajine Hamlou (sweet meat) (24/30 pts)

Stay tuned and see you ALL again soon!




vincent profile picture vincentMay 2009


*Tower of Babel* HUGE PICNIC

And the winner of the World Food Contest is...

Raouf (28/30 pts) with his won-der-ful Tunisian four-course meal, comprising : salad, chicken Tajine, couscous and typical pastries, with tea! Thank you Raouf for sharing those delicacies =)

Nathaliemusical profile picture NathaliemusicalMay 2009

Hola Que tal
Guten Tag
Hello from Nathalie
et Marhaba...

C'était un super Pic nic ! et super beau temps

Merci aux orgnisateurs et aux participants.

Qui a gagné le prix du meilleur plat?



vincent profile picture vincentMay 2009

See you all in 30 minutes !!!
