Polyglot BIGGEST World Food Contest !

Event description

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BIGGEST World Food Contest !!!!!!



HUGE PICNIC @ Cité Universitaire Internationale

More than 300 participants in 2009!

Check photos from last year! =>    
*Tower of Babel* HUGE PICNIC (Paris, France)*Tower of Babel* HUGE PICNIC (Paris, France)*Tower of Babel* HUGE PICNIC (Paris, France)

1st prize = a TRIP* to the destination of your choice !!!

*first prize : 200-euro voucher for a trip to the destination of your choice, and whenever you please.  NB : To compete for the first prize, there is a participation fee of 3 €

Be sure to bring a meal/drink typical of your region of origin. The jury will vote for the best typical meal/drink.

Each candidate taking part in the World Food Contest will be issued a number by the International JURY who will determine the best dish based on the following criteria: presentation/general aspect, creativity/originality and taste.We will provide trash bags, plastic cups, plates and spoons to allow you to share your dish with other participants.

Feel free to bring what you need for your comfort (table cloth, napkins, forks...)

During picnic, we will organize games/activities based on foreign languages and cultures.

Look out: Please keep connected until Sunday morning in order to read the latest news regarding this event.  If weather is too cold or humid, picnic might be cancelled and postponed to another day ...




Sunday 13th of June 2010 at NOON (12:00)

Directions: RER B or Tramway T3 stop 'Cité Universitaire'. We will be in the center of the large lawn directly behind the Maison Internationale.

We will be in the center of the large lawn. If the sun gets too strong, we will move to the shade to the right of the lawn (coming from the main building, see photo).

To access the large lawn, go inside the Intenational House (main building) of which you can see a photo just below, cross the hall, go through the swing doors on the other end and you will have the lawn in front of you.

Below you have a view of the International House as seen when you arrive from boulevard Jourdan. The large lawn is behind the house.

Maison Internationale   


Large lawn behind Maison Internationale     


VERY  IMPORTANT, don't forget to bring:


guitars (and sheet music)
(and any other fun object)

BEWARE ! Should you get lost, or if you do not find the meeting point, make sure you memorize these 2 phone numbers:

06 80 81 19 89
06 60 25 62 66 

  ---- IN FRENCH ----

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PIQUE-NIQUE à la Cité Universitaire Internationale

Plus de 300 participants en 2009 !   


1er PRIX = VOYAGE* pour la destination de votre choix !!!
*Premier prix : bon de 200 Euros pour un voyage pour la destination et la date de votre choix.  NB : Si vous souhaitez participer à la compétition, une participation de 3 € est demandée.

Apporter un plat typique de votre région : un jury sera chargé d'évaluer les plats/boissons les mieux réussi(e)s et un prix sera remis au(x) gagnant(s) durant le pique-nique.

Chaque candidat participant au Concours Culinaire International recevra un numero de la part du JURY International, qui determinera le meilleur plat, en se basant sur les criteres suivants: presentation/aspect general, creativite/originalite et gout.

Nous fournirons les sacs poubelle, gobelets, assiettes et cuilleres en plastique pour vous permettre de partager vos plats avec d'autres participants. N'hesitez pas a apporter ce dont vous aurez besoin pour ameliorer votre confort (nappe, serviettes, fourchettes...).

Nous organiserons également des jeux/activités basés sur les langues/cultures étrangères.

Attention, restez connecté jusqu'au dimanche matin afin d'avoir les dernières nouvelles concernant l'organisation de ce pique-nique en particulier sur les condition météo.  Si le temps est trop froid ou humide, le pique nique pourrait être annulé et reporté.


Dimanche 13 Juin 2010.  Rendez-vous à 12h (midi).

Accès: RER B ou Tramway T3 arrêt 'Cité Universitaire'. Nous serons au centre de la grande pelouse qui est derrière la Maison internationale. 

Nous serons au centre de la grande pelouse. Si le soleil devient trop fort,  nous déménagerons à l'ombre à droite de la pelouse (venant du bâtiment principal, cf photo).

Pour aller sur la grande pelouse vous rentrez dans la maison internationale dont voici la photo ci-dessous, vous traversez le hall, vous traversez les portes au fond du hall et vous arrivez sur la pelouse.

Ci-dessous la maison internationale vue de devant quand vous arrivez depuis le boulevard Jourdan. la grande pelouse se trouve derrière la maison.

ATTENTION ! Pensez à prendre les numéros suivants si vous n'arrivez pas à nous retrouver

06 80 81 19 89
06 60 25 62 66

ATTENTION TRES IMPORTANT, n'oubliez pas de prendre:

raquettes (badminton) + volans
guitares (et partitions)
jeux de carte
(et tout autre objet ludique)


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Jie kalba apie mus!

Media coverage - Polyglot Club


pat profile picture patJune 2010



For taking part in this Polyglot Club event, it has been an honor to have you around. We truly appreciate that you went out of your way to share NOT JUST your languages and cultures, but ALSO your cooking skills and world delicacies!

Thanks a zillion to Q-ba for capturing those moments on photograph (click on the "Photos" thumbnail)! We are most indebted to the six members of the Grand Jury of our World Food Contest : Amanda, Futchibow, Inna, Q-ba, Pat, and Vince. Our heartfelt thanks for your suggestions, participation and for lending your taste buds =)

And the Winner of the World Food Contest is... YALCIN (23.95/30 pts) with his won-der-ful Turkish three-course meal, comprising : Ayran, Sigara Böregi, and Lukum! Thank you Yalcin for sharing those treats =)

Second Prize goes to ANNE and SUNE, who put together a finger-licking Danish steamed cabbage with meat balls (23.83/30 pts)

Last but not least, the Third Prize this year was a TIE  between ULIS and his unique Algarovinia from Peru AND  NASSERA who treated us with an UN-forgettable Indian Alunal Masala with Halva (both 21.83/30 pts)

Special mention goes to Nassera, who had already won the Third Prize last year!

Stay tuned and see you ALL again soon!


pat profile picture patJune 2010


Sunday will be DRY  and WARM: partly cloudy and up to 22°C!!

See you ALL  there!



Dimanche  sera SEC  et CHAUD: nuageux et jusqu'à 22°C!!

RDV à tous sur place!

pat profile picture patJune 2010

Hello Holly! Welcome to the World Food Contest. You do not need to register to take part in the picnic. However, if you want to compete for the 200 euros travel voucher, 1st prize of the World Food Contest, you will need to pay a 3-euro participation fee.

See you then, then!

h0lly profile picture h0llyJune 2010



Je compte venir au pic-nique dimanche mais je ne suis pas sûre de participer au concours cuisine...  Faut-il s'inscrire à l'avance ou peut-on s'inscrire sur place ?


Merci et à bientôt !

pat profile picture patJune 2010

Météo pour dimanche 13 juin: Nuages épars et 12 à 23°C!

Vérifiez cette page jusqu'au samedi 12 juin au soir pour confirmation du pique-nique... en fonction des conditions météo. OPTIMISTE!

Weather forecast for Sunday 13 June: Partly cloudy and 12 to 23°C!

Check this page until Saturday 12 June in the evening for confirmation about the picnic... if the weather allows. Looking BRIGHT!

vincent profile picture vincentJune 2010

Please use the following tool to invite ALL your friends !!! -))

Utilisez l'outil ci-dessous pour inviter TOUS vos amis !!!

    & devenez VIP!! [?]

pat profile picture patJune 2010

Polyglot Club members from ALL  over the world  will attend the World Food Contest! Here's a message from ONE  of them


I come from Mexico and I am visiting Paris from 11 to 18 June 2010, actually i'm going to the parties organized by Polyglotclub the 11, 12 and 13 June.

I would like to meet new people there you can check my profile and if you are interested in meet me there, mail me

Thank you

Yunuen ( yunuenf)