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RussianVocabulary0 to A1 Course → Everyday Life in Russia → Shopping

Introduction[edit | edit source]

Welcome to the lesson on shopping in Russian! In this lesson, you will learn how to shop for food, clothing, and everyday items in Russian. Shopping is an essential part of everyday life, and knowing the vocabulary and phrases related to shopping will greatly enhance your experience in Russia. Whether you're visiting a local market, a shopping mall, or a grocery store, this lesson will provide you with the necessary tools to navigate through various shopping situations confidently. So, let's dive in and explore the exciting world of shopping in Russia!

Grocery Shopping[edit | edit source]

At the Supermarket[edit | edit source]

When it comes to grocery shopping in Russia, supermarkets are the most common places to find a wide range of products. Here are some essential vocabulary words and phrases you'll need to know when navigating a Russian supermarket:

Russian Pronunciation English
продукты prodookty groceries
магазин mahgazeen store
корзина korzeena basket
тележка telezhka shopping cart
молоко moloko milk
хлеб hleb bread
мясо myaso meat
фрукты frookty fruits
овощи ovoshee vegetables
яйца yaihtsa eggs
касса kassa cash register
чек chek receipt

Here are some useful phrases to help you communicate while grocery shopping:

  • Я ищу молоко. (Ya ishchoo moloko) - I'm looking for milk.
  • Где я могу найти хлеб? (Gde ya mogoo naytee hleb?) - Where can I find bread?
  • Сколько стоит мясо? (Skol'ko stoit myaso?) - How much does the meat cost?
  • Я возьму пять яиц, пожалуйста. (Ya voz'moo pyat' yaitz, pazhaloosta) - I'll take five eggs, please.
  • Спасибо, это все. (Spaseeba, eta vse) - Thank you, that's all.

At the Local Market[edit | edit source]

If you're looking for fresh and locally produced food, visiting a local market in Russia is a great idea. Local markets are known for their vibrant atmosphere and a wide variety of fresh produce. Here are some vocabulary words and phrases you can use when shopping at a local market:

Russian Pronunciation English
рынок rynok market
фермерский продукт fermerskiy prodookt farm produce
овощи и фрукты ovoshee ee frookty vegetables and fruits
сыр seer cheese
мед myed honey
местные продукты mestyne prodookty local products
торговать torgovat' to trade
торговец torgovets vendor
торговая площадь torgovaya ploshchad' trading area
торговый ряд torgoviy ryad row of shops

Here are some phrases to help you communicate at the local market:

  • У вас есть свежие овощи? (Oo vas yest' svyezhee ovoshee?) - Do you have fresh vegetables?
  • Сколько стоит этот сыр? (Skol'ko stoit etot seer?) - How much does this cheese cost?
  • Можно попробовать немного меда? (Mozhno poprobovat' nyemnoga myeda?) - Can I try some honey?
  • Где я могу найти торговцев? (Gde ya mogoo naytee torgovtsev?) - Where can I find vendors?
  • Я бы хотел купить местные продукты. (Ya by khotyel koopit' mestyne prodookty) - I would like to buy local products.

Clothing Shopping[edit | edit source]

At the Department Store[edit | edit source]

When it comes to clothing shopping in Russia, department stores offer a wide range of options for all budgets and styles. Here are some vocabulary words and phrases you'll find useful when shopping for clothes:

Russian Pronunciation English
магазин одежды mahgazeen adyezhdy clothing store
платье plat'ye dress
футболка footbolka t-shirt
брюки brooki pants
юбка yoobka skirt
рубашка roobashka shirt
свитер sveeter sweater
куртка koortka jacket
обувь oboov' footwear
примерочная preemeerachnaya fitting room
размер razmehr size
скидка skidka discount

Here are some useful phrases to help you while clothing shopping:

  • Где я могу найти платья? (Gde ya mogoo naytee plat'ya?) - Where can I find dresses?
  • Мне нужна футболка размером М. (Mnye noozhna footbolka razmehrom M) - I need a t-shirt in size M.
  • Сколько стоит эта юбка? (Skol'ko stoit eta yoobka?) - How much does this skirt cost?
  • Я бы хотел померить этот свитер. (Ya by khotyel pameereet' etot sveeter) - I would like to try on this sweater.
  • У вас есть скидки сегодня? (Oo vas yest' skidkee sevodnya?) - Do you have any discounts today?

At the Clothing Market[edit | edit source]

If you're looking for unique and affordable clothing options, visiting a clothing market in Russia can be a fantastic experience. Clothing markets are known for their variety of styles, bargaining opportunities, and affordable prices. Here are some vocabulary words and phrases to help you navigate through a clothing market:

Russian Pronunciation English
рынок одежды rynok adyezhdy clothing market
футболки footbolkee t-shirts
штаны sh'tany trousers
рубашки roobashkee shirts
пальто pal'to coat
шапка shapka hat
перчатки perchatkee gloves
шарф sharf scarf
сумка soomka bag
торговать torgovat' to trade
торговец torgovets vendor

Here are some phrases to help you communicate at the clothing market:

  • Сколько стоят эти футболки? (Skol'ko stayat etee footbolkee?) - How much do these t-shirts cost?
  • У вас есть шарфы разных цветов? (Oo vas yest' sharfy raznykh tsvyetov?) - Do you have scarves in different colors?
  • Можно попробовать эти штаны? (Mozhno poprobovat' etee shtany?) - Can I try on these trousers?
  • Где я могу найти торговцев? (Gde ya mogoo naytee torgovtsev?) - Where can I find vendors?
  • Можно сделать скидку? (Mozhno sdyelat' skidkoo?) - Can I get a discount?

Everyday Items Shopping[edit | edit source]

At the Convenience Store[edit | edit source]

Convenience stores, known as "магазин у дома" (magazeen oo doma) in Russian, are small shops that are open 24/7 and offer a variety of everyday items. Whether you need to buy snacks, toiletries, or household supplies, convenience stores are a convenient option. Here's some vocabulary related to shopping at a convenience store:

Russian Pronunciation English
магазин у дома mahgazeen oo doma convenience store
продукты prodookty groceries
напитки napitkee beverages
закуски zakooskee snacks
сигареты seegareety cigarettes
мыло mylo soap
зубная паста zoobnaya pasta toothpaste
батарейки batareykee batteries
платеж plahtyesh payment
наличные nal'eeshnye cash
карта karta card

Here are some phrases you can use while shopping at a convenience store:

  • У вас есть хлеб? (Oo vas yest' hleb?) - Do you have bread?
  • Мне нужны батарейки для пульта. (Mnye noozhny batareykee dlya pulta) - I need batteries for the remote control.
  • Сколько стоят эти напитки? (Skol'ko stayat etee napitkee?) - How much do these beverages cost?
  • Я буду платить наличными. (Ya boodoo platit' nal'eeshnye) - I'll pay in cash.
  • Можно заплатить картой? (Mozhno zaplatit' kartoy?) - Can I pay with a card?

At the Pharmacy[edit | edit source]

If you need to buy medication, toiletries, or any health-related products, a pharmacy is the place to go. Here are some vocabulary words and phrases to help you navigate through a pharmacy in Russia:

Russian Pronunciation English
аптека apteka pharmacy
лекарства leekarstva medications
витамины veetameeny vitamins
бинты beenty bandages
крем krem cream
шампунь shampoon' shampoo
зубная щетка zoobnaya shchetka toothbrush
таблетки tabletki tablets
рецепт retsept prescription
консультация kansultatsiya consultation

Here are some phrases to help you communicate at the pharmacy:

  • У вас есть аптека поблизости? (Oo vas yest' apteka pobleestsee?) - Do you have a pharmacy nearby?
  • Мне нужны витамины. (Mnye noozhny veetameeny) - I need vitamins.
  • Сколько стоят эти лекарства? (Skol'ko stayat etee leekarstva?) - How much do these medications cost?
  • Мне нужна консультация. (Mnye noozhna kansultatsiya) - I need a consultation.
  • У меня есть рецепт от врача. (Oo meenya yest' retsept ot vracha) - I have a prescription from the doctor.

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

Congratulations! You have successfully learned how to shop for food, clothing, and everyday items in Russian. Shopping is an important aspect of everyday life in Russia, and being able to navigate through different shopping situations will greatly enhance your experience. Whether you're grocery shopping, clothing shopping, or buying everyday items, you now have the vocabulary and phrases to communicate effectively. Keep practicing and exploring the vibrant shopping culture in Russia. Счастливых покупок! (Schastlivykh pokupok!) - Happy shopping!

Table of Contents - Russian Course - 0 to A1[edit source]

Alphabet and Pronunciation

Basic Phrases and Greetings

Nouns and Gender

Numbers and Time

Cases and Prepositions

Family and Relationships

Verbs and Conjugation

Food and Dining

Russian Traditions and Holidays

Travel and Transportation

Adjectives and Adverbs

Hobbies and Leisure Activities

Russian Literature and Arts

Videos[edit | edit source]

Russian Shopping Vocabulary (At a Grocery Store) - YouTube[edit | edit source]

Shopping in Russia | Beginner Russian Phrases | Lesson 7 - YouTube[edit | edit source]

Sources[edit | edit source]

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