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◀️ Medical Emergencies — Previous Lesson Next Lesson — Direct Speech ▶️

IndonesianVocabulary0 to A1 Course → Emergencies → Natural Disasters

Introduction[edit | edit source]

In this lesson, we will learn about natural disasters in Indonesian. Indonesia is located in a region prone to various natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions. It is important to be prepared and know the appropriate vocabulary and phrases to use during these emergencies. This lesson will provide you with the necessary vocabulary and expressions to communicate effectively in natural disaster situations.

Vocabulary[edit | edit source]

Banjir (Flood)[edit | edit source]

A flood is a common natural disaster in Indonesia, especially during the rainy season. It is important to know how to describe and respond to a flood situation. Here are some key vocabulary words related to floods:

Indonesian Pronunciation English
banjir bahn-jeer flood
air ah-eer water
naik nah-eek rise
tinggi ting-gee high
evakuasi eh-vah-koo-ah-see evacuation
bantuan bahn-too-ahn assistance
selamat seh-lah-maht safe
terdampak tur-dahm-pahk affected
kerusakan keh-roo-sa-kahn damage

Example sentences:

  • Banjir besar terjadi di kota ini. (A big flood occurred in this city.)
  • Air banjir semakin tinggi. (The floodwater is rising.)
  • Evakuasi dilakukan untuk menyelamatkan penduduk. (Evacuation is being carried out to save the residents.)
  • Mereka membutuhkan bantuan darurat. (They need emergency assistance.)
  • Semua orang harus berhati-hati selama musim banjir. (Everyone should be cautious during the flood season.)

Gempa Bumi (Earthquake)[edit | edit source]

Indonesia is located in the Pacific Ring of Fire, making it prone to earthquakes. Knowing the vocabulary related to earthquakes is crucial for understanding and responding to this natural disaster. Here are some key vocabulary words:

Indonesian Pronunciation English
gempa bumi guhm-pah boo-mee earthquake
getaran guh-tah-rahn vibration
pusat gempa poo-saht guhm-pah epicenter
skala Richter skah-lah ree-kter Richter scale
merusak meh-roo-sahk damage
runtuh roon-too collapse
bangunan bahn-goo-nahn building
selamat seh-lah-maht safe
korban kor-bahn victim

Example sentences:

  • Gempa bumi terjadi tiba-tiba. (The earthquake happened suddenly.)
  • Getaran gempa bumi sangat kuat. (The earthquake vibration is very strong.)
  • Pusat gempa berada di laut. (The epicenter is located in the ocean.)
  • Gempa bumi ini memiliki skala Richter 7.5. (This earthquake has a Richter scale of 7.5.)
  • Banyak bangunan rusak akibat gempa bumi. (Many buildings were damaged due to the earthquake.)

Erupsi Gunung (Volcanic Eruption)[edit | edit source]

Indonesia is home to numerous active volcanoes, and volcanic eruptions are a significant natural disaster. Understanding the vocabulary related to volcanic eruptions is important for preparedness and communication during such incidents. Here are some key vocabulary words:

Indonesian Pronunciation English
erupsi gunung eh-roop-see goo-noong volcanic eruption
abu vulkanik ah-boo vool-kah-neek volcanic ash
lava lah-vah lava
letusan leh-too-sahn eruption
gunung berapi goo-noong beh-rah-pee volcano
evakuasi eh-vah-koo-ah-see evacuation
seismik sey-see-mik seismic
bahaya bah-ha-ya danger
pendingin pen-dee-neen coolant

Example sentences:

  • Gunung tersebut mengalami erupsi. (The volcano erupted.)
  • Abu vulkanik menutupi langit. (Volcanic ash covers the sky.)
  • Lava yang panas mengalir ke lembah. (Hot lava flows into the valley.)
  • Letusan gunung ini sangat kuat. (This volcano eruption is very powerful.)
  • Penduduk di sekitar gunung berapi dievakuasi. (Residents around the volcano are being evacuated.)

Cultural Insights[edit | edit source]

Indonesia's geography and tectonic plate movements contribute to its vulnerability to natural disasters. The country sits on the Pacific Ring of Fire, where several tectonic plates meet, resulting in frequent earthquakes and volcanic activities. Indonesians have developed a strong resilience and preparedness culture to cope with these natural disasters.

In some regions of Indonesia, certain natural disasters have become part of the local culture and traditions. For example, the eruption of Mount Bromo in East Java is considered a sacred event by the Tenggerese people. They believe that the eruption is a sign of the gods' protection and fertility for their agricultural lands.

During natural disasters, Indonesians often come together to help those in need. Community-based organizations and volunteers play a crucial role in providing assistance and support to affected areas. The spirit of "gotong-royong," which means mutual cooperation and assistance, is deeply ingrained in Indonesian culture.

Exercises[edit | edit source]

1. Match the Indonesian words with their English translations:

Indonesian English
banjir a. earthquake
gempa bumi b. flood
erupsi gunung c. volcanic eruption


  • banjir - b. flood
  • gempa bumi - a. earthquake
  • erupsi gunung - c. volcanic eruption

2. Complete the sentences with the appropriate vocabulary words:

a. Banjir besar terjadi di kota ini. (A big flood occurred in this city.) b. Getaran gempa bumi sangat _____. (The earthquake vibration is very strong.) c. Gunung tersebut mengalami _____. (The volcano _____ed.) d. Evakuasi dilakukan untuk menyelamatkan _____. (Evacuation is being carried out to save the _____.)

Solution: a. tinggi b. kuat c. erupsi, erupted d. penduduk, residents

3. Discuss with a partner: How does the geography of Indonesia contribute to the occurrence of natural disasters?

Solution: The geography of Indonesia, with its location on the Pacific Ring of Fire and various tectonic plate movements, contributes to the occurrence of natural disasters such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. The country's numerous active volcanoes and proximity to tectonic plate boundaries make it prone to these events.

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

In this lesson, we have learned about natural disasters in Indonesian, including floods, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions. We have explored the vocabulary and expressions related to each type of natural disaster, allowing you to better understand and communicate during emergencies. Remember to stay safe and be prepared in case of any natural disaster. Terima kasih dan sampai jumpa! (Thank you and see you next time!)

Sources[edit | edit source]

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