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Swiss German Vocabulary - Animals

Hi Swiss German learners! 😊
In this lesson, we'll dive into the vocabulary of animals. Animals are an important part of Switzerland's culture and folklore. The country is known for its cows, goats, and sheep that produce delicious milk, cheese, and meat. Let's learn the Swiss German words for the animals found in this beautiful country. Don't forget to use the Polyglot Club to find native speakers and ask them any questions that you might have. Also, don't forget to check the Vocabulary category for more lessons on the topic!

Domestic Animals[edit | edit source]

Switzerland is known for its beautiful rural landscapes, where you can see many domestic animals. Let's learn some vocabulary to describe them.

Cows[edit | edit source]

Cows are one of the most iconic figures of Switzerland. You can see them grazing on green pastures, with the Swiss Alps in the background. Here are some Swiss German words to describe them:

Swiss German Pronunciation English
Kuh koo Cow
Stier shteer Bull
Kalb kahlp Calf
Milch milh Milk
Käse kaysuh Cheese
  • Person 1: Chasch du mer bitte en Tellär Milch bringe? (Can you bring me a bowl of milk?)
  • Person 2: Sälber schuld. Sötsch es Glas ode en Tasse ha? (Sure thing. Would you like a glass or a cup?)

Goats[edit | edit source]

Goats are also a common sight in Switzerland. They are known for their agility and their ability to scale the mountains. Here are the Swiss German words that describe them:

Swiss German Pronunciation English
Geiss gys Female goat
Bock bock Male goat
Ziegele tsee-guh-luh Kid
Ziegeträff tsee-guh-trayfff Goat track
  • Person 1: Wenn mir mit de Wanderig fertig sind, chöie mir bi de Geisse verbi gah. (After we're done with the hike, we can visit the goats.)
  • Person 2: Ja, da freui ich mi scho druff. (Yes, I'm looking forward to that.)

Sheep[edit | edit source]

Sheep are also a common sight in the Swiss countryside. They are known for their wool, which is used to produce textiles. Here are some Swiss German words that describe them:

Swiss German Pronunciation English
Schaf shaf Sheep
Widder veeder Ram
Lamm lahmmm Lamb
Wolle volluh Wool
  • Person 1: De Pulli isch so warm, das muess Woll sii. (This sweater is so warm, it must be wool.)
  • Person 2: Ja, ich han ihne es paar Söckle us Woll gstrickt. (Yes, I knitted them a pair of woolen socks.)

Wild Animals[edit | edit source]

Switzerland has a rich fauna with many native species of wild animals. Let's learn the Swiss German words that describe them.

Red Deer[edit | edit source]

The red deer is the biggest species of deer that lives in Switzerland. It is known for its majestic antlers. Here are some Swiss German words that describe them:

Swiss German Pronunciation English
Hirsch heersh Red deer
Reh ray Roe deer
Geweih guh-vigh Antlers
Fell fell Fur
  • Person 1: Wotsch go Tierli luege goh? Mir chöie go nei de Wald und d Rehli sueche. (Do you want to go see some animals? We can enter the woods and look for roe deer.)
  • Person 2: Geh gärn. Ich ha no nie es Tier i de Wält gseh. (Sure thing. I've never seen an animal in the wild before.)

Fox[edit | edit source]

Foxes are predators who are known for their keen senses and their wily nature. Here are some Swiss German words that describe them:

Swiss German Pronunciation English
Fuchs fooks Fox
Bau bow Den
Pelz pellts Fur
Jagd yahgt Hunting
  • Person 1: Gschtärn hani es Rotkäppli im Wald gseh. (Yesterday, I saw a Little Red Riding Hood in the woods.)
  • Person 2: Ehrlech? Hesch ou de Fuchs gseh? (Really? Did you see the fox too?)

Ibex[edit | edit source]

The Alpine ibex is a species of wild goat that lives in high altitudes. It is known for its curved horns. Here are some Swiss German words that describe them:

Swiss German Pronunciation English
Steinbock shtyn-bock Alpine ibex
Hörnli hurhn-lee Horns
Berg behrg Mountain
Klippa klip-puh Cliff
  • Person 1: De Steinbock isch ewäggsprunge. Hesch nüt gseh? (The ibex jumped off. Did you see anything?)
  • Person 2: Ich han nüt gseh. Aber da obe gits no vil meh vomene guete Blickwinkel us. (I didn't see anything. But up there, there's a lot more to see from a good vantage point.)

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