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Lao Grammar - Future Tense

Hi Lao learners! ๐Ÿ˜Š

In this lesson, we will focus on the future tense in Lao. The future tense is used to talk about an action or event that will happen in the future. In Lao, the future tense is formed by using the words "เปเบกเปˆเบ™" (mวฃn) or "เบˆเบฐ" (jวŽ).

After mastering this lesson, these related pages might interest you: Personal pronouns & Pronouns.

Future Tense with "เปเบกเปˆเบ™" (mวฃn)[edit | edit source]

To express the future tense with "เปเบกเปˆเบ™" (mวฃn), simply add it after the verb. Let's see some examples:

Lao Pronunciation English
เบˆเบปเปˆเบ‡เป€เบ›เบฑเบ™เบœเบนเป‰เปƒเบ”เบ‚เบญเบ‡เบ‚เป‰เบญเบเปเบกเปˆเบ™เบกเบตเบ„เบงเบฒเบกเบเบฒเบงเปเบฅเบฐเป€เบญเบปเบฒเบฅเบฐเบšเบธ jว’ng pฤ“n phenn dรขy khวญng koy mวฃn mii khuua yaaw lรกe ฤ“r bรนh "I will be someone important in the future and achieve my goals."
เบกเบฑเบ‡เบเบญเบ™เบ—เบตเปˆเบ‚เป‰เบญเบเบˆเบฐเปเบ„เบ” maang kวญi thรฎ khวญng jวŽ kวฃd "Tomorrow I will go to the market."
เบกเบทเป‰เบ™เบตเป‰เบžเบงเบเป€เบฎเบปเบฒเบˆเบฐเปเบˆเป‰เบ‡เบ‚เบญเบ‡เป€เบ—เบปเปˆเบฒเบ™เบตเป‰ mฦฐฬ€ษ™ nii phuฬŒak hฤ•uฬ‚a jวŽ jรจng khวญng thรชu naฬŒi "Today we will have a meeting about this issue."

Note that "เปเบกเปˆเบ™" (mวฃn) can also be used in the present tense to express a current state of being or a habit.

Future Tense with "เบˆเบฐ" (jวŽ)[edit | edit source]

Another way to express the future tense is by using "เบˆเบฐ" (jวŽ). This word is placed before the verb in a sentence. Here are some examples:

Lao Pronunciation English
เบกเบทเป‰เบ™เบตเป‰เบ‚เป‰เบญเบเบˆเบฐเปƒเบซเป‰เป€เบฎเบปเบฒเบเบฑเบšเป€เบ•เบตเบก mฦฐฬ‚ษ™ nii khวญng jวŽ haฬŒi hฤƒwm kศo dtem "Tomorrow I will give you a call."
เบžเบงเบเป€เบฎเบปเบฒเบˆเบฐเบžเบปเบšเป€เบเบต phuฬŒak hฤƒwm jวŽ phoฬ„b koฬ„i "We will try our best."
เป€เบฎเบปเบฒเบˆเบฐเบšเปเปˆเป€เบ›เบฑเบ™เบœเบนเป‰เบœเบฑเบ‡เบœเบฝเบ™เป€เบกเบท เบญเบ‡ hฤƒwm jวŽ baw peฬŒn phaฬ†ng vวŽy meฬ†uang "I will not be a tourist anymore."

Note that "เบˆเบฐ" (jวŽ) can also be used in the past tense to express a future action that did not happen.

Dialogues[edit | edit source]

  • Person 1: เป€เบ™เบทเป‰เบญเปเบกเปˆเบ™เบˆเบฐเป€เบซเบฑเบ™เป„เบ›เบ‘เบฒเบ™เบ‚เป‰เบญเบเบ”เบฝเบงเบ™เบตเป‰ (Nวฬ„y mวฃn jวŽ ฤ“n pai taa naฬŒy khวญng dวaw nii) ("I will take the bus to go there.")
  • Person 2: เบ‚เป‰เบญเบเบˆเบฐเบ™เบญเบ™เบฅเบปเบ”เป€เบเบตเบ”เบ„เบงเบฒเบกเบเบฒเบง (Khวญng jวŽ nวญn lรณt kศo khuua yaaw) ("I will ride my bike.")
  • Person 1: เบขเปˆเบฒเบ›เบฐเบกเบฒเบ™เบšเปเปˆเบเปเบˆเบฐเบกเบฒเบเบปเบ”เบกเบฒเบซเบฒเบ™เบ‚เป‰เบญเบเบšเปเปˆเบ”เบต (Yรฒo pฤƒan baw kวญ jวŽ mวŽ kรณd mฤƒ hฤƒan khวญng baw dii) ("I probably won't eat durian.")
  • Person 2: เบˆเบฐเป€เบเบตเบ™เป„เบ”เป‰เป€เบซเบผเบทเบญ (JวŽ koฬ„i dai huฬŒe) ("You should try it.")

Tips[edit | edit source]

To improve your Lao Grammar, you can also use the Polyglot Club website. Find native speakers and ask them any questions!

Sources[edit | edit source]

โžก If you have any questions, please ask them in the comments section below.
โžก Feel free to edit this wiki page if you think it can be improved. ๐Ÿ˜Ž

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